Monday, November 29, 2010

Featured M.O.M. Erika Borden 11-30-10

Name:  Brook and Erika Borden

Age:  36 today:)    (Happy Birthday!!)

Marital Status:  Happily Married 

Multiples names and age: Jacob and Spencer - 21 mo, Hayden - 6 yrs 

About you:  From Texas originally, I have been in the US Navy for 15 years.  I plan to retire and be a SAHM!!! It just can't come soon enough.

About your Multiples : J & S are very different boys. Jacob loves to read, flirts alot, very outgoing, will go to anyone, loves to get into trouble, smiles a ton, and loves to help out.  Spencer is not as outgoing, does LOVE to scream, an explorer, more reserve to go to strangers, loves to jump and dance, enjoys reading in your lap - same book over and over.  They both love to sing Little Bunny Foo Foo.  They could listen to that all day I think.

favorite items for multiples: Double Strollers. 2 cribs! Bibs with catch trays.

favorite toys for multiples: I don't know if I could name one...most items were double purchases.  2 lovies different colors! 

Thank you Brook and Erika, fantastic photos!!
advice for other moms of multiples:  It is hard in the beginning.  But as they become more independent it really gets easier.  With our first - Hayden - I felt all the instant connection with him...smothered and covered in oozy love.  There were 2 of us and 1 of him.  It was different.  With twins, it seem to take longer.  I felt a bond to them - sort of unrealistic that "OMG I have 2 more boys" feeling.  I felt guilty for a long time that it wasn't the same as with Hayden.  But I know now that my life would never be the same nor could I imagine my life without all my boys.  There are some challenges but if I didn't have all my TMMB Twin Mamas - I don't think I could have survived.  Find other moms that you can relate with, vent to, share with...It makes all the difference.  When all the twinarrazi rears its ugly head, you will find the network to be a sanity check.   Oh and one last piece of advice - when it gets tough - take them outside.  For a walk, play, whatever....kiddos do soooooooo much better outside.  It is crazy but it works.

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