I have a 15 year old with ASD/ADHD/SLD, who goes to an Autism school and is doing very well and catching up on school after a long drawn out battle with trying to make it in public school. I also have a 14 year old and a kindergartner with Aspergers, and a kindergartener with ADHD and other learning issues due to brain bleeds at birth and a grand mal seizure. I have three teens and twin kindergarteners! I homeschool my kindergarteners and it has been going really well so far!
With much research, trying many things, talking to teachers and therapists at Autism schools and therapy facilities, I have found the best products to help your fidgety child concentrate!!
I recommend starting with the headphones and yoga ball if you are on a budget!!
I added all of the items, which are not all pictured here, to my amazon store.
Check out each product HERE!!
See these items and all of the rest of the products on the list HERE
Visit Kristen (Caution! Twins at Play)'s profile on Pinterest.
Follow Kristen (Caution! Twins at Play)'s board Light Tables, Light Boxes, Light Panels & Light Play on Pinterest.
Visit The Ultimate Light Table Guide's profile on Pinterest.
Hi! I was just looking through your post and i love it! I was wondering if you could please tell me how you use each item and where you purchased them.. I am very interested in hearing how you use these. Also, how was your son diagnosed with Aspergers, what kind of testing was done.. My son was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety.. but i sometimes feel like he may also have Aspergers,... how do i go about that? I hope you don't mind me asking you all these questions.