Monday, June 25, 2012

light. color, and glow

Here are some of the "Magic wands" I made recently as seen here.

some are long and some are shorter

close up of a fancier one

Some fun with Lauri pegs and Lauri number boards

bath time with some glow sticks and orange water

looks like glowing clouds!

another bath time with glow sticks and blue water! Looks like Aurora Borealis!

a good rainy day activity to do while watching signing times ;)

a water cooler bottle filled a little under half way with water. They dropped in colorful buttons of several shapes and sizes, glass gems from the dollar tree, glow sticks, and beads

They put the glow sticks inside too! A view from the top, they really enjoyed looking down through the top and on the sides too. We talked abut which ones floated and which did not float!

1 comment:

Awesome Light Exploration Accessories from

  Every day is brighter when you can have a little Kodo magic sprinkled into your day! is full of magic. They ha...