Wednesday, February 29, 2012

squishy sprinkly, smushy fun!

shaving cream, colored epsom salts, water beads, water, squirt bottles of colored water

dumping water over his own head  haha

fizzy bath tablets, insta snow, water, scrub brushes, colander, rain gutter

water, fizzy bath tablets, water beads

brita pitcher is awesome for water play!!  added fizzy bath tablets for color


fun fun

our friends Becky and Lairah joined the fun!

playing with the pipe builders waterways (from lakeshore)

checking things out

ooh lets add some flowers!!

flowers are a good addition!

spraying the flowers..

Lairah captured a water bead!

sprinkle sprinkle

ooohhh   scrubby brush!

flowers go well in the brita toooooo  ;)


insta snow, dyed PINK!

squish squish

oooh bendaroos look awesome in blacklight

glow drawing

glow drawing



Becky pulling the wagon

ahhh  this is the life

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    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    sprinkle, bubble, pour, squish and more!

    We played in the backyard with the usual fun stuff.... water, shaving cream, food coloring, scrubbers, blew colored bubbles with straws, strainers, measuring cups, slotted spoons, rain gutter, spray bottles, water tables, sand box, pipe builders waterways(from lakeshore), and took a ride in our choo choo wagon!
    brita makes an awesome backyard toy!

    sprinkling shaving cream water  

    getting some water from the spout

    made the water blue

    food coloring, bubbles, shaving cream, straws

    blue pool water too!

    clothes were wet so we got some dry underwear for trampoline time (taking a juice break)

    added a dry shirt for wagon ride time!

    pretty tree!

    look mom, I'm riding sideways on the floor of my choo choo car!

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