Saturday, November 5, 2011

Super Fun, Messy, Awesome Sensory Playdate!

When my twins were playdate age, I set up some pretty amazing playdates for them and their playmates!! This is one example of the playdates!  Messy sensory playdates might be intimidating to many moms, I bet you're thinking. how on earth do you clean all of that up?  

It's simple.... a hose!

hose photo credit to D. Sharon Pruitt

So basically in the pics below, you will see my twins and their playmates having amazing sensory experiences and a great time! The clean up was no big deal, and we even went on to host even more similar and messier playdates too! No one was tye dyed or permanantly stained with color, no one was injured, or grossed out, no one was unhappy or offended. They had a really truly great time, and the same parents brought their kids back to have more messy playdates! So, no worries.... really!

 So just rip off the band-aid Moms!  Go for it, have a blast, host a messy, sensory playdate!! You can do it!!  

Items in pics below are as follows:
plastic spray bottles, water beads, shaving cream, dyed pasta, sponge bombs,
food coloring, recycled water bottles with sport caps. baking soda, vinegar,
sand, water, measuring cups and scoops, and playdate kids!

What they did:
They sprayed water in the spray bottles(that's fine motor), they scooped and played with dyed pasta(that's tactile sensory exploration), they squirted vinegar dyed with food coloring into a big bucket that had baking soda in it(that's science!), they poured and mixed colored water that was dyed with food coloring(that's science!) they played with shaving cream and mixing it up to create colored shaving cream (that's science and tactile sensory) They investigated water beads and silly square water beads (water polymers) (that's science and tactile sensory) and most of all, they had a lot of fun and new experiences that probably prompted their parents to try something new at home with them!! The playdate was a huge success!

baking soda and vinegar to make fizzy fun

shaving cream and food coloring to mix and make colored fluff!

1 comment:

  1. As a former pre-school teacher these photos bring back so many memories. Sensory exploration is so important! Pinning this to TTM pre-school boards!


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