Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day to Night sensory bin

This sensory bin was very fun, the sand/water wheel made it so much more interactive!! This is actually a great sensory bin  for children that do not enjoy sensory bins.


aquarium rocks, iridescent pearl beads, sand/water wheel, acrylic turtles



aquarium rocks, iridescent pearl beads, sand/water wheel
shooter glasses, pirate rocks,  and a dump truck toy.

custom color water beads

We decided to use the "fish bowls" from our ping pong fish bowl toss to make some custom color water beads!! We used clear water beads, liquid watercolors, their measuring cups and water! First we used the measuring spoons to measure out dry water beads into each fish bowl, then we added liquid water colors and after that, the water!! Parker had a great time putting water into each fish bowl. This was such a simple but yet rewarding activity! Graham helped with the beginning part and Parker participated the whole time. 

measuring cups
measuring spoons
liquid watercolors

clear water beads

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rainbow snow slime & backyard play

First we grew some water beads, then sorted them on the light table for some Montessori inspired Reggio Style fine motor! Then we made rainbow snow slime!!

We used 6 scoops of insta snow, dunecraft brand water marbles(water beads), a few drops of coconut extract, some water, and a large package of gobbledygoop by dunecraft, then mix!

As you can see we played with it inside, and also outside!!

Check out all our other awesome slime concoctions HERE!

Click HERE to see where to buy the ingredients! 

We used an egglands best egg carton (cleaned), 
DuneCraft Water Marbles(water beads) and measuring spoons/cups.

These are the measuring spoons and cups we use. 
You can get the spoons HERE and the cups HERE

Rainbow snow slime!
slime on the light table

rainbow snow slime on the light table

A few pics of playing in our backyard play and learning environment, 
plus we brought the rainbow snow slime to the yard too!!  I put the hose up into the tree to make a fun waterfall while the pool was filling up!!

"making coffee"
