Saturday, June 15, 2013

custom color water beads

We decided to use the "fish bowls" from our ping pong fish bowl toss to make some custom color water beads!! We used clear water beads, liquid watercolors, their measuring cups and water! First we used the measuring spoons to measure out dry water beads into each fish bowl, then we added liquid water colors and after that, the water!! Parker had a great time putting water into each fish bowl. This was such a simple but yet rewarding activity! Graham helped with the beginning part and Parker participated the whole time. 

measuring cups
measuring spoons
liquid watercolors

clear water beads


  1. Looks like it was a lot of fun! Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday.

  2. Nice & Informative post on custom color water beads.
    Thanks for this blog!!

  3. When making the rainbow snow much gobbledygoop did you use and how much slime did you end up with?

