Saturday, February 14, 2015

10 unexpected light table toys #ULTG #lighttable #lighttableideas #lighttabletoys

light table play toys and manipulatives
Light table toys don't always have to be bought. They don't always have to be expensive either. Sometimes you can find things around your home that would be a great addition to light table play. Here are ten examples of unexpected items that are excellent for the light table! Follow the photos to see more examples of each item!

silicone muffin cups and gelato spoons

colored translucent bowls


Cellophane paper sheets

Acrylic panel/ plexiglass samples

clear plastic dessert plates from the Dollar Tree

Fish Tank accent gems

7 day stacking pill containers from the Dollar Tree

Boon bubbles bath toy

reusable plastic ice cubes

go to the 365 day Light Play Challenge! 

Visit Kristen (Epic Childhood)'s profile on Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. Hey these are really amazing and unexpected ideas. I loved the most is Fish Tank accent gems idea. I am sure that my kid will love this idea, and he would love playing with gems. I will also consult his Phoenix pre-k teachers to play them with such unique ideas.
