Sunday, June 2, 2013

Playing with light and mirrors

Have you and your children ever played with light and mirrors? For some it may be an intimidating thought. For others it comes naturally to delve into the world of light, shadows, and mirrors and make a home within it.

Around our house there is a lot of play that involves light and/or mirrors. We use light tables and the overhead projector for both free play and fun learning.  I learned a lot of really great things from the book Making the most of light and mirrors. It is a must read book for anyone who wants to introduce their children or students to light and mirror play. I enjoyed it so much that I recommend it to everyone I know. It has a lot of detail about light and shadow play, the use of mirrors in play, and many ideas to spark your own ideas from. This book is what prompted me to make a mirror play table for my twins. It is also what prompted me to make shadow projection boxes. We have been exploring the world of light tables, overhead projectors, and mirrors for a few years now and all of that exploring has lead to this wonderfully beautiful Pinterest board entitled Playing with Light and Mirrors which is a showcase of over 200 light table, light box, overhead projector, and mirror play photos. I hope you will visit that board, follow it, and let me know what you think of the photos in it! Be sure to click them to visit the blog posts they came from as well! I love Pinterest for its ability to showcase a blog post with just a photo. It is also a great way to show examples of a certain type of play. I have my first 7 Pinterest boards as speciality boards that only show pictures of posts from my blog. I use one as a main board that has anything and everything from my blog and the rest are of different types of play. (ie. water play, block play, outdoor play, science play, light and mirror play, glow in the dark play, etc. It is very helpful when a reader asks for examples of a certain type of play. Then I can just direct them to one of the speciality boards. I love viewing other pinners photos of light play. In fact I even started a collaborative board on Pinterest called Light Tables, Light Boxes, Light Panels, and Light Play, a while back so that I could have a bunch of the pinners who blog about light play together all in one spot. It is going so nicely. I am very happy with it's outcome. There are 33 pinners on the board, including myself. It is just a wonderful array of playing with light, overhead projector play, glow in the dark play, natural light play, etc. You can view the board here! Be sure to follow it too!

Oh and, you can't forget to occasionally play in the dark too! 
Check out and follow my 
Glow in the Dark Play pinterest board!

Would you like to share your playing with light photos with us? 
Tag your instagram photos with #playingwithlightandmirrors 
Your photos will be eligible to be shared in an upcoming post!
Plus you can search that tag on instagram and get sneak peeks of photos that may be used in future posts on either The Art of Play or Caution! Twins at Play!

Follow Caution! Twins at Play on instagram

You can view all of my favorite light and mirror exploration blog posts at the links below
You can see many other awesome books on Reggio here
Find awesome light table learning toys and tools here

Here are a few of my favorite photos from our light and mirror exploration!

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