Tuesday, June 12, 2012

hexbug nano-ville

Graham and Parker have loved hexbug nano's for quite some time now. They get really creative in what they do with them. They put them on their step2 car and canyon table, inside of cabinets in their toy kitchen, on the light table, on the floor play tray, on their overhead projector, under blankets, on shelves, they build cages for them with blocks and magna tiles... and the list goes on. They have so much fun playing with them!!

hexbug nano's on the floor play tray

They stay on the floor play tray and can not escape..  haha

They are trapping the hexbug nano's under the sea urchin balls

They love the sound that they make

giggling at the bugs that keep getting out of their trap!!  haha

projection of hexbug nano's on the overhead projector with a cage build of magna tiles 

projection of hexbug nano's on the overhead projector with a cage build of magna tiles

hexbug nano's on the overhead projector with a cage build of magna tiles

A short video of the hexbug nano's

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kristen! I love your setup! colorfull and creative.
    The Nano is simply incredible...i love it!-) Me and my 4-year-old son made some minigames with a bunch of Nano's and a hole lot of Dublos...
    minigames like: cat vs. mouse, robosoccer and Capture The Flag.

    I would love for you to read my blogpost about it here: http://constructingkids.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/lego-dublo-maze-for-hexabugs/ (I explain the learning potentials)
    and see the video documenting the progress here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA8qIlQKm_8

    Thank you very much:)

    Martin Exner
    Masters of IT Didactic Design
    University of Education
    Copenhagen, Denmark
