Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lemony exploration

close up view of ice, liquid water colors and salt in the water table

lemons in the water tub

checking out the lemons

lemons and lemon extract in the water  table

Yum it smells so good, Mom!!

dumping the lemons into the colander

playing with the lemons

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt 

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt 

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt 

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt 

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt 

pouring cups of liquid water color over ice, and adding sea salt  

lemon extract and soap suds

textured sponge bombs

a layer of citiblocks on the waldorf playstand


painting on the art porch

playing the drum by the rock garden


chalk table I made from an old table we had, plus a corn scoop and play bin on table

tent. drum, rock garden

the rock garden


  1. So much fun going on create some wonderful spaces!!

  2. I want my twins to come play at your house! :) I found you through the UBP and this is amazing. I want a rock garden in my house.

  3. The twins are enjoying every bit of being kids... and twins!! Nice meeting you in UBP.

  4. Thanks so much!!! you all are awesome!

  5. Fun, fun, fun!! I love all the lemon play! Thanks for linking it up to the Kid's Co-op. I wanted to let you know that I'm sharing this as one of my favorite posts from last week!
