Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - at the park


Want to be on our BlogRoll?
Email  TwinsandMultiples@cfl.rr.com  to be added!!

Just email us a link and title to your blog!!

We just do not see enough of our button on other blogs....
will you add it to yours?
Let me know if you add it!! I would love to say
a special thanks to you in a future post!

copy and paste this code



  1. They are cute! Thank you for stopping by my Wordless Wednesday! I am following you now too!!!

    Anna, The Pilot's Wife
    Follow My Blog At:
    Enter Weekly Drawing for a Free Candle!

  2. thanks! I am your newest follower. Your children are darling.

  3. Very NICE... Twin momma here.. Happy WW and thank you for swinging by and linking up.... New follower here... Sent you an e-mail for the blog roll tooo..


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