Thursday, August 9, 2012

action - reaction

Graham and Parker decided that they wanted to do volcanoes(baking soda and vinegar with food coloring or liquid watercolors) on the new DIY light box I made for them. I usually only let them do this type of activity in our backyard play area because we don't have a protective cover on our light table panels. This is the reason I made the DIY light box, to be able to use liquid on it to have messy light table fun, do preschool science experiments, etc. I have let them do water transfer, volcanoes, water beads, etc on the light table panels before but it started to leave a little damage, so we stopped. I really would love to build a cover for the light table but I am not very handy with wood. Especially when there is plexiglass or acrylic panels involved.  

Making volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar

spray bottle with vinegar in it

using a cup inside the box to make more volcano fun

They decided to put the baby wipes they were using to wipe off with inside the box too. They like how the wipes changed to yellow from the yellow  liquid watercolors

Sorting and playing with geometric shapes, plastic gems, and plastic cocktail drink animals

gems inside and under the shapes

these are plastic cocktail drink hanger animals from wal mart, they are meant to hang off the side of a wine or cocktail glass but we are using them as light table animals ;)

Playing with magformers magnetic building "blocks" on acrylic mirrors and our magnetic play tray

building on acrylic mirrors I got from Discount school supply a while back. They are so useful for so many things! 

on our magnetic play tray

Sorting and playing with red, white, and blue glass gems and acrylic culinary pinch bowls on the DIY light box

using his pirates on the light box

various creatures on acrylic mirrors

Scooping popcorn kernels into bowls, culinary pinch bowls, and wedding favor cups on a clear plastic tray.


  1. Wow! What amazing activities (and DIY light box) ... even practical life on the light box! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and pinned it to my Light Box Ideas and Activities Board at
