Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Light, Mirrors, and Projection

seven mirrors!

loving having seven mirrors at the light table


projected with overhead projector

overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

overhead projector

overhead projector

projected with overhead projector

Thursday, May 24, 2012

kids co-op

Fluffy Slime and Mega Slime

Today I made more chunky funky goo, featured in this post from a few weeks ago. Then I added some water beads and silly squares to it to make MEGA slime! It was awesome!!  The chunky funky goo was already awesome but this was even more awesome. I used items from this kit by Dune Craft. Then I took a heaping handful or two of Mega slime and added it to a container filled with shaving cream and blue food coloring that sat out all day. I mixed it up with my hands and the results were TOTALLY amazing!! I am calling this one fluffy slime.  haha!!

I am having fun coming up with goofy names for my goo concoctions. ;)
The Mega slime is chunky, stringy, slimy, gooey and just plain funky. The Fluffy slime is super fluffy, super stringy, super taffy like but in a fluffy way.

Totally awesome sensory fun!!!

Outdoor Science Lab and Outdoor Art Corner

I finally got around to getting an easel for the yard, it is a wonderful addition to our homeschooling and outdoor play, as well as playdates with our group! I also finally got all our supplies for making a little science lab in the backyard!  I set up an area that is both for water play, sensory tables, and science all in one!!  I sort of have our backyard play area set up in stations, ride ons, swings, seating, trampoline, giant sand box, ball pit pool, pool, climb and slide , and science and water.  We play out there every day and have playdates there every week as well with out group!!  My older kids like to tinker around out there too!

These guys are really into their action figures and other such things ;)

They totally love their new easel!!!! I found some electric toothbrushes to paint with at big lots for $1! We put shaving cream on the easel too! So much fun!!!

They had a really great time in their outdoor science lab!! It is a perfect addition to our water table area and adds to sensory table fun, messy play, etc. There are water beads and mega slime in the bins and we used food coloring to color the water in the larger test tubes!

loose tea in the water table

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