Monday, October 29, 2018

Now accepting new Pinterest contributors!

Great News! Now you can request to be added to my Pinterest boards!  Just simple go to the board and up by the follow button you will see a button to request to be added as a contributor to the board! 

Saturday, October 13, 2018

20 leveled readers for under four dollars each

Here are 20 fantastic leveled readers, all for less than $4 each! You can find them in my book store here

Stamp Painting with Kwik Stix

I organize a local Homeschool Art group. I come up with weekly Art lessons for kids ages 6-16 years old.  This Art activity was based on using Kwik Stix tempera paint sticks, foam printing plates, and stamping with them.

First off, I cut a handful of the foam printing plates into 4 smaller pieces.  I then handed each child 3. Their first job was to make 6 stamps, you can make one on each side. They were to make the stamps by using a pencil and drawing on the foam printing plates. They were free to use any type of design they wanted.

The next step was to take a sheet of paper and create a horizon line.

The next step was to cover their design with tempera painting, using Kwik Stix.
Then they had to stamp up their foreground and background. They were free to use the same stamp, or a combination of the stamps they created.

The final step was to take a black sharpie marker and add in some drawing. They were free to create any type of scene they chose.  Most children did very well with this process, some of the younger children had a harder time. It was more of a process Art for the younger crowd, as it always is.

We enjoy Kwik Stix in my household!  I was very happy to introduce them to the families in my homeschool group as well!