Friday, May 6, 2016

Under the Sea on the Light Table

We love Ocean themed play at my house, and we found the perfect translucent material to create an awesome Ocean! It's acrylic vase filler for floral arrangements. So perfect for the light table!

They call them moon drops and they come in a variety of colors. We love the combination of the two blue shades and the purple shade together to create a beautiful Ocean! Check out our pics below, so pretty!

The twins have been changing their Ocean every day by adding different creatures and moving the "water" around. They make waves and move around the fish to different spots!  I just love these moon drops!

Here are a couple of cool rain bow on the light table pics from recent light table play too! They used the Grimm Rainbow and a rainbow made by a friend who is going to soon have light table toys for sale on Etsy.

Here are some of the items you see in the pics above!