Sunday, December 30, 2012

Best of 2012 from Kid Blogger Network

Brought to you by.....

projected patterns and color

Graham and Parker had a lot of fun with the overhead projector last night!!
The first photo is of what was on the overhead projector, the rest are of a little play table they used to arrange some window color blocks on. The overhead projector, projects the pattern from it's tray and also what is on the table too!!   So magical!!

I love how colorful it is, and relaxing!  It's a very Zen like experience to play with the overhead projector and arrange different things to create patterns and color blends.

Check out our light table Zen Garden HERE!!

water color

Yes! You may make tons of pretty water color leaves!

I stopped by Lakeshore a few days ago to get some water color paper and found water color paper leaves too!! Graham and Parker LOVED this activity. They wanted to make LOTS of water color paper leaves! They really loved the water color paper too. This is the first time we have tried water color paper. It is definitely worth trying, so fun!!! They love watching the colors blend and spread, especiall once you put the water color paper on a light table. We used our DIY light box for this, because of using liquid water colors. We have no way to protect the light panel's from liquid. I am not handy enough yet to make a protective cover.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Artsy Play Wednesday

I have been super busy due to the Holidays, so I have barely had time to snap a good pic or two, even when I wanted to. So I thought I would share one of my older favorite artsy play posts! I hope you enjoy viewing it!! Click on the link to view!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Reggio Fridays

Welcome to Reggio Fridays!

Sorry the link was being funny last week. 
I hope you will add your links to this Reggio Friday Linky!!

Here are a few highlights of Graham and Parker playing this week!

messy outdoor fun with rain gutter, water beads, silly square water beads, shaving cream,  etc.

Messy fun with a mixture of insta snow, flourscent orange color, flour, and water!
We named this mixture "yucky slop"!!

I re-organized the blocks

I also re-organized the books and magnets!

We made some fun discovery bottles! The tallest one is inspired by a discovery bottle made by "Meet the Dubiens"

Covered themselves in shaving cream and sprayed their sand box pink and purple with liquid water colors!

making shaving cream art while covered in shaving cream!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Highlights in collage & Artsy play wednesday

This week I decided to do something fun and highlight the last few days in collages!!
Please check out the caption under each collage to find out about it!!

Playing with basketballs and seeing Santa at a local park playground!

stickers on number papers from Confessions of a homeschooler

using clothespins to pick up feathers, sort by color and transfer them to small bowls

we read the gingerbread man and decorated gingerbread man cookies... and ate them! yum!

decided to be cool guys and wear sunglasses to sort bears by color, lace shapes from Lauri peg and stacker set. They used the lacing strings from another lacing set we have. 

made some cool designs with wedgits on the mirror table...which has a new set of lights on it!

used clothespins to pick up and sort pom poms by color into small bowls

had a lot of fun with an early Christmas gift, a rocker board! (purchased from Bella Luna toys)

sorted Christmas themed acrylic circles into tiny acrylic jars and used light table letters to spell words from picture/word cards. Their friend Garland enjoyed it too!