Monday, April 30, 2012

Fluffy body painting

I used the egg dying cups from Easter today and made them into fluffy paint cups! I filled each cup with shaving cream and added some food coloring, provided paint brushes, and the rest is history. haha!

I know that usually the whole shaving cream paint thing is used in the bath tub, but I thought I would add it to our outdoor play today for body painting!

It was so fluffy after whipping it up to mix in the food coloring!!  That is why I decided to name if fluffy body paint! ;)

Please excuse the lack of cute outfits, they are going through a phase.

Graham is checking out is art work  haha

Parker decided to rinse his brish in the water dispenser  

the paint!

Painting a bike
Painting his hair and face


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Splash, Bounce, Bubble, Slip, Slide

sorting and playing with water beads and water bead squares
they put the water bead squares into their neon cups

making lines of cups with the water bead squares in them

Making up their own games

they said the squares were ice cubes

Tennis Racket Stingrays

they can bounce higher with big Sis Mackenna's help!

wow even higher!


bubble machine pointed at the pool with water beads and blue food coloring in the pool!!

fun way to swim, they loved it!!

slide in the pool with the house spraying like a fountain!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

kids co-op

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

every day is a new adventure

Graham is really into these funky squishy balls lately, he put two of them on the light table.

Garland is in sensory heaven crouching in the coffee beans bin, so fun!

Playdough time!!  Graham is making sculptures in containers with feathers, he says it is like the container ponds we set up outside!!  So cute!!

Dr Parker and the playdough jamboree ;)

working hard on his "pond replica"

fun stuff!

working on another sculpture with the feathers

Dr Parker is giving Graham an impromptu exam during playdough time! haha

Parker decided to make his own pond replica, like Graham!

Garland is very intrigued by the alphabet pops!


She wanted to use the mirror, so we moved her to the light tables where the mirror is ;) 
sluuuurp, she was making hilarious slurping sounds and pretending to eat the alphabet popscicles! Hey that's a pretty good imagination for having Autism!!

magnets meet coffee beans

digging to capture magnets on the wands!

got some!

so pretty on the light table, making sculptures with crystal climbers and crystal connectors 

The ball run seems to make a great car ramp for LED LIGHTS!

They are using LED finger lights as cars!! so cool!!

experiments and crafts at the Science Center

Garland bouncing the ball so precisely (in her playroom)

our sandbox of 3 years is now our new fish pond, we retired the round tubs

we added two koi!

I made a rainbow arch for the kids, they love running through it, I plan to add to it!!

Our NEW sandbox is a pool! They LOVE IT and call it their beach!!

I did some rearranging in the backyard play environment!