Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rainbow volcano cups!!

Graham & Parker had fun with making volcanoes again, this time in cups! The last few times we made a volcano was with our playgroup. Thyey put different colors of food coloring in each cup, then added baking soda, and then poured in vinegar. We added fizzy tub color tablets into the big bowl later and they dumped all of the cups into that bowl too.  When they were finished they added raisins to see them dance plus shaving cream and dyed pasta for fun!  Parker ended up playing with it all for an additional 15 minutes. He was really into it!!   :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's always time to play

Recently I made some sensory bins for Graham and Parker, they went over pretty well. They liked exploring what was in them and playing with the little rakes. I had sand, crushed shells, sea shells, gems, and rocks in one and a mish mash of this and that in the other...which included some dyed pasta, pipe cleaners, sand, gems & other random items in it. I will try some new ideas next time. It was fun for them though! When they were done, we dumped the contents into our sand table and sand box out in the yard!

Our cat likes to hang out in the yard.

Showing how they can gently pet the cat.

Here are a few pics of some fun items we have played with on the light table!



translucent shapes

translucent shapes

building with wedgits

loving how high he can make a tower with wedgits

Very proud of the finished product!

I made an oil drip pan play tray for floor play. It can be used for small toys, marble run,, blocks, its GREAT for building with blocks and creates a nice flat surface!. Its also magnetic!!  I covered it in 3 colors of duct tape.

wedgits, home made gem magnets, and little people characters on the play tray!

Mackenna created a lot of roses from the colored tape, here are a few of them!

The kids love playing with the marble run on the play tray!

This is a second oil drip pan that I covered in pain splatter patterned duct tape. It is hanging on the wall. It is also magnetic and is going to strictly be used for magnetic play! Its really big. I need a better pic of it though.

Some of Graham & Parker's educational toys

Our new curtains, my old mirror from my childhood, the light table, educational toys.

Light table on the floor for marble run play!

They like to wipe their chalk boiard clean!

We had a fun sidewalk chalk/spray chalk playdate!! Everyone brought chalk. I brought chalk & spray chalk that I made!! I added a few drops of acrylic pain to water and crushed chalk. voila!!  instant fun!

We decided to play with some fun buttons that I found at Lakeshore. They are various shapes and colors.  We can do a lot with these!!  Sort them by color or shape, use on collages, & string them onto some ribbon to make button garland for the holidays!!

sorting the buttons